Started carving around the glutes to make them more realistic. Also working on the back and getting some basic muscle form.
Here is after about an hour of carving.It was at this point that I realized I was going to run out of clay. The initial investment so far has been the La Doll which I got a Hobby Lobby for 40% off 9.99. $6. Unfortunately Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday, so I had to try my local JoAnn's. My local store (the one that's 15 minutes away as opposed to the larger one a half hour away) has less stock. So I don't even know if JoAnn's carries La Doll anyways, but they were open and my email had tons of 50% coupons. I would find an alternative. I purchased some Fimo Air Dry Basic. In Flesh tint. I also picked up some sandpaper so I can do more than just chip away at this.
Much smoother!
The legs are beginning to have some better form. I also added some lumps for breasts, and upper pelvic bones. They're uneven at this point but I can work on it. Also working on carving some of the back muscles out.
This is ridiculous, but as I said. I like to laugh. This I intend to do addition by subtraction and sand and carve these bazongas down to an actual breast like shape.
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