Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 2

After sitting with Fallout Shelter on my phone for the majority of the day, I thought about the BJD project that has been sitting on my kitchen table - Since Day 1. Pretty pathetic commitment if you ask me.

The paperclay, difficult as it may be I find that I really enjoy working with this. Adding the legs was the first step to the beginning. Once I added tube looking things on the legs, I really felt inspiration.
Second to the legs, I added a rounded lump for a buttocks. This sideview was just because it made me laugh while working on it.
Additionally to smoothing down the butt, I carved away some of the rib definition. While not entirely lithe in build, Fifteen does have some sort of figure. The onther thing worked on at this point is bulking out the thighs.
Hehe. While the clay was still moist, I pushed the lumps together to form more of a butt shape.
End of the night photo. It's realistic to say the least, but I need to continue to sand this down and smooth it out.

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